Don't Get Phished: How to Spot Fake Links on Social Media (and Stay Safe)

Don't Get Phished: How to Spot Fake Links on Social Media (and Stay Safe)

Social media is a fantastic tool for connecting with friends, family, and staying informed. But lurking beneath the surface of engaging posts and funny memes can be a hidden danger: fake links. These deceptive links can lead to malicious websites designed to steal your personal information, infect your devices with malware, or even trick you into sending money to scammers.

So, how can you stay safe? Here are some tips to beware of fake links on social media:

  1. Think Before You Click:
    Don't fall prey to the "clickbait" trap. Take a moment to critically assess the link and the accompanying post. Does it seem too good to be true? Is it from an unfamiliar source? Does it evoke strong emotions like fear or excitement to pressure you into clicking? If any red flags pop up, err on the side of caution and avoid clicking.
    Think Before You Click.png
  2. Hover, Don't Click:
    Most social media platforms allow you to hover your cursor over the link before clicking. This will reveal the actual URL the link leads to, which can be quite different from the text displayed. If the URL looks suspicious, with misspellings, unusual characters, or irrelevant domains, don't click it.
  3. Verify the Source:
    If a post claims to be from a legitimate source, like a news outlet or a brand, don't click the link directly. Instead, open a new tab and search for the information on the official website of the source. This allows you to ensure you're accessing the genuine website and not a cleverly disguised fake.
  4. Be Wary of Shortened Links:
    Services like or tinyurl can shorten long URLs, making them easier to share. However, they also obscure the true destination of the link. Avoid clicking on shortened links unless you trust the source and can verify the destination URL.
  5. Report Suspicious Links:
    If you encounter a fake link, report it to the social media platform using their reporting tools. This helps them identify and remove malicious content, protecting other users from falling victim to the same scam.

By following these simple tips, you can significantly reduce your risk of clicking on fake links and protect yourself from online threats. Remember, a little caution goes a long way in keeping your social media experience safe and enjoyable.


  • Be cautious of friend requests and messages from unknown individuals.
  • Adjust your privacy settings to limit who can see your information and posts.
  • Use strong and unique passwords for all your social media accounts.
  • Install a reputable security software and keep it updated on your devices.

By staying vigilant and practicing safe browsing habits, you can navigate the social media world with confidence, knowing you're well-equipped to identify and avoid fake links and scams.